资源中心 解决方案 基于Redis Enterprise,LangChain,OpenAI 构建一个电子商务聊天机器人




这个链条中的大部分复杂性都归结于检索步骤。因此,我们选择将LangChain与Redis Enterprise集成为一个向量数据库。这种组合为复杂的人工智能和产品开发之间搭建了桥梁。



(一)安装 Python 依赖项


pip install langchain==0.0.123

pip install openai==0.27.2

pip install redis==4.5.3

pip install numpy

pip install pandas

pip install gdown


1、对于零售聊天机器人,我们选择使用Amazon Berkeley Objects数据集。该数据集包含了大量适用于生成零售助手的亚马逊产品。


import pandas as pd

MAX_TEXT_LENGTH=1000  # Maximum num of text characters to use

def auto_truncate(val):

    “””Truncate the given text.”””

    return val[:MAX_TEXT_LENGTH]

# Load Product data and truncate long text fields

all_prods_df = pd.read_csv(“product_data.csv”, converters={

    ‘bullet_point’: auto_truncate,

    ‘item_keywords’: auto_truncate,

    ‘item_name’: auto_truncate



# Replace empty strings with None and drop

all_prods_df[‘item_keywords’].replace(”, None, inplace=True)

all_prods_df.dropna(subset=[‘item_keywords’], inplace=True)

# Reset pandas dataframe index

all_prods_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)


# Num products to use (subset)


# Get the first 2500 products

product_metadata = (





# Check one of the products



{‘item_id’: ‘B07T2JY31Y’,

 ‘marketplace’: ‘Amazon’,

 ‘country’: ‘IN’,

 ‘main_image_id’: ’71vX7qIEAIL’,

 ‘domain_name’: ‘amazon.in’,

 ‘bullet_point’: ‘3D Printed Hard Back Case Mobile Cover for Sony Xperia Z1 L39H Easy to put & take off with perfect cutouts for volume buttons, audio & charging ports. Stylish design and appearance, express your unique personality. Extreme precision design allows easy access to all buttons and ports while featuring raised bezel to life screen and camera off flat surface. Slim Hard Back Cover No Warranty’,

 ‘item_keywords’: ‘mobile cover back cover mobile case phone case mobile panel phone panel LG mobile case LG phone cover LG back case hard case 3D printed mobile cover mobile cover back cover mobile case phone case mobile panel phone panel Sony Xperia mobile case Sony Xperia phone cover Sony Xperia back case hard case 3D printed mobile cover mobile cover back cover mobile case phone case mobile panel phone panel Sony Xperia mobile case Sony Xperia phone cover Sony Xperia back case hard case 3D printed mobile cover mobile cove’,

 ‘material’: ‘Wood’,

 ‘brand’: ‘Amazon Brand – Solimo’,

 ‘color’: ‘others’,

 ‘item_name’: ‘Amazon Brand – Solimo Designer Leaf on Wood 3D Printed Hard Back Case Mobile Cover for Sony Xperia Z1 L39H’,

 ‘model_name’: ‘Sony Xperia Z1 L39H’,

 ‘model_number’: ‘gz8056-SL40528’,

 ‘product_type’: ‘CELLULAR_PHONE_CASE’}

1、LangChain为Redis提供了一个简单的包装器,可用于加载文本数据并创建捕捉“含义”的嵌入向量。在以下代码中,我们准备产品文本和元数据,准备文本嵌入的提供程序(OpenAI),为搜索索引分配一个名称,并提供一个用于连接的Redis URL。

import os

from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings

from langchain.vectorstores.redis import Redis as RedisVectorStore

# set your openAI api key as an environment variable


# data that will be embedded and converted to vectors

texts = [

    v[‘item_name’] for k, v in product_metadata.items()


# product metadata that we’ll store along our vectors

metadatas = list(product_metadata.values())

# we will use OpenAI as our embeddings provider

embedding = OpenAIEmbeddings()

# name of the Redis search index to create

index_name = “products”

# assumes you have a redis stack server running on local host

redis_url = “redis://localhost:6379”



# create and load redis with documents

vectorstore = RedisVectorStore.from_texts(









from langchain.callbacks.base import CallbackManager

from langchain.callbacks.streaming_stdout import StreamingStdOutCallbackHandler

from langchain.chains import (




from langchain.chains.question_answering import load_qa_chain

from langchain.llms import OpenAI

from langchain.prompts.prompt import PromptTemplate


Redis作为我们的存储介质,保存了完整的产品目录,包括元数据和由OpenAI生成的捕捉产品内容语义属性的嵌入向量。通过使用底层的Redis Vector Similarity Search(VSS),我们的聊天机器人可以直接查询目录,以找到与用户购物需求最相似或相关的产品。这意味着您无需进行繁琐的关键字搜索或手动过滤,VSS会自动处理这些问题。


  1. 问题创建:在这个阶段,聊天机器人评估输入的问题,并利用OpenAI GPT模型将其与之前的对话交互知识(如果有)结合起来。通过这个过程,机器人可以更好地理解购物者的问题,并为后续的检索提供准确的上下文。
  2. 检索:在检索阶段,聊天机器人根据购物者表达的兴趣项,搜索Redis数据库,以获取最佳的可用产品。通过使用Redis Vector Similarity Search(VSS)等技术,机器人能够快速而准确地检索与购物者需求相匹配的产品。
  3. 问题回答:在这个阶段,聊天机器人从向量搜索的查询结果中获取产品信息,并利用OpenAI GPT模型帮助购物者浏览选项。机器人可以生成适当的回答,提供有关产品特征、价格、评价等方面的信息,以帮助购物者做出决策。


template = “””Given the following chat history and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up input question to be a standalone question.

Or end the conversation if it seems like it’s done.

Chat History:\”””



Follow Up Input: \”””



Standalone question:”””

condense_question_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)

template = “””You are a friendly, conversational retail shopping assistant. Use the following context including product names, descriptions, and keywords to show the shopper whats available, help find what they want, and answer any questions.

It’s ok if you don’t know the answer.






Helpful Answer:”””

qa_prompt= PromptTemplate.from_template(template)

4、接下来,我们定义两个OpenAI LLM,并分别使用链条对其进行封装,用于问题生成和问题回答。streaming_llm允许我们逐个标记地将聊天机器人的响应传输到stdout,从而为用户提供类似于聊天机器人的用户体验。

# define two LLM models from OpenAI

llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)

streaming_llm = OpenAI(









# use the LLM Chain to create a question creation chain

question_generator = LLMChain(




# use the streaming LLM to create a question answering chain

doc_chain = load_qa_chain(






chatbot = ConversationalRetrievalChain(






# create a chat history buffer

chat_history = []

# gather user input for the first question to kick off the bot

question = input(“Hi! What are you looking for today?”)

# keep the bot running in a loop to simulate a conversation

while True:

    result = chatbot(

        {“question”: question, “chat_history”: chat_history}



    chat_history.append((result[“question”], result[“answer”]))

    question = input()


Hi! What are you looking for today?

>> gold-plated earrings

Hi there! I’m happy to help you find the perfect earrings. Do you have a preference for yellow gold plated sterling silver or platinum or gold-plated sterling silver?

>> My preference is the yellow gold plated sterling silver

Hi there! Are you looking for yellow gold-plated sterling silver earrings with Swarovski Zirconia or Topaz gemstones? We have a few options that might fit the bill. We have yellow gold-plated sterling silver Swarovski Zirconia fancy green stud earrings, yellow gold-plated sterling silver honey topaz stud earrings made with Swarovski Topaz gemstones, and yellow gold-plated sterling silver antique drop earrings set.



import json

from langchain.schema import BaseRetriever

from langchain.vectorstores import VectorStore

from langchain.schema import Document

from pydantic import BaseModel

class RedisProductRetriever(BaseRetriever, BaseModel):

    vectorstore: VectorStore

    class Config:

        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    def combine_metadata(self, doc) -> str:

        metadata = doc.metadata

        return (

           “Item Name: ” + metadata[“item_name”] + “. ” +

           “Item Description: ” + metadata[“bullet_point”] + “. ” +

           “Item Keywords: ” + metadata[“item_keywords”] + “.”


    def get_relevant_documents(self, query):

        docs = []

        for doc in self.vectorstore.similarity_search(query):

            content = self.combine_metadata(doc)





        return docs


redis_product_retriever = RedisProductRetriever(vectorstore=vectorstore)

chatbot = ConversationalRetrievalChain(






Hi! What are you looking for today?

>>> fancy footwear for going out

Hi there! We have a few great options for women’s shoes and sandals. We have the Amazon Brand – The Fix Women’s Giana Open Toe Bootie with Pearl Buckle, bright white leather, 9.5 B US, Flavia Women’s Beige Fashion Sandals-7 UK (39 EU) (8 US) (FL/236/BEG), Flavia Women’s Blue Fashion Sandals-8 UK (40 EU) (9 US) (FL/211/BLU), and The Fix Women’s Faris Flat Slide Sandal with Pearls. All of these shoes feature a variety of styles and colors to choose from. Let me know if you have any questions about any of these items!

>>> These are nice. However, I am looking for men’s shoes. Can you help me?

Hi there! We have a great selection of men’s formal shoes available. We have Amazon Brand – Symbol Men’s Formal Shoes, Amazon Brand – Symbol Men’s Leather Formal Shoes, and more. All of our formal shoes are made from high quality materials and feature a variety of closure types, toe styles, and heel types. They also come with a manufacturer’s warranty and care instructions to ensure they last. Let me know if you have any questions or need help finding the perfect pair of shoes for you!

>>>Can you show me some more men’s options?

Hi there! I’m here to help you find the perfect item for you. We have a few options available for men’s formal shoes. We have the Men’s Stainless Steel Link Bracelet, the Amazon Brand – Arthur Harvey Men’s Leather Formal Shoes, and the Amazon Brand – Symbol Men’s Formal Derby shoes. All of these items feature a variety of features such as leather material, lace-up closure, pointed toe, block heel, and more. If you have any questions about any of these items, please let me know. I’m happy to help!

>>> Ok this looks great, thanks!





本文提供了一份关于网络故障排除的全面指南,涵盖了故障排除的基本步骤和技巧,强调了获得全面可见性的重要性。通过详细的分析和实际案例,您将学习如何快速定位网络问题,优化网络性能,并提高...Read More


本文提供了一份关于网络故障排除的全面指南,涵盖了故障排除的基本步骤和技巧,强调了获得全面可见性的重要性。通过详细的分析和实际案例,您将学习如何快速定位网络问题,优化网络性能,并提高...Read More


本文提供了一份关于网络故障排除的全面指南,涵盖了故障排除的基本步骤和技巧,强调了获得全面可见性的重要性。通过详细的分析和实际案例,您将学习如何快速定位网络问题,优化网络性能,并提高...Read More




